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Environmental policies at Starhaven Retreat
At Starhaven Retreat we endeavour to make the Bellarine Peninsula a greener and eco friendly place by implementing the most sound environmental practices possible, these include:
We produce solar energy with 80 panels on the roof deck, this supplies upwards of 23% of our energy used at Starhaven
The majority of lighting is energy saving in form of LED & fluorescent lights
Use of energy efficient LED television’s in guest rooms
Switching off mini-bar fridges when not in use
20,000 lt rain water tanks supply water for toilets and washing machine
Towel re-use program to save water and electricity
Only change sheets every second day
Recycle all plastic, glass and paper from Starhaven Retreat and guest rooms
Reduce waste where possible
Use of FSC Certified papers
Please join your fellow guests in caring for the environment by re-using your towels in your room as well as the towels from the spa & sauna area. Give the environment a break on your beach break and make a difference.
Working together we can make that difference room by room.
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